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How to add a component to a Layout / Page

Case scenario

Let us assume you are the Project Manager of your organisation. You access the Projects Table in Rapid Platform. The Projects Table has a list of all the projects in the organisation along with their respective details. Imagine you wish to you wish to see a counter of all Active projects on the Explorer page where the list of all project items appear.


To add a counter component on the Plural Design.

Assumption and Scope

This article only focuses on how to add a component to the Page. It is assumed that the Table View for filtering Active Projects is already present in the system.

Steps to add a component to a Page

To add a new component to a Page layout, please follow the below steps:

Add a component step 1

Add a component step 2

Add a component step 3

Add a component step 4

Add a component step 5

Add a component step 6

Add a component step 7

Add a component step 8

Add a component step 9

Add a component step 10

Add a component step 11

Add a component step 11a

Add a component step 12

Add a component step 13

Add a component step 14

How to move a component on layout?

How to configure / update component properties?

How to set a component to be visible / hidden on "Item Details" and "Create" breakpoints?

How to create a Page in Designer?